This is technically not a movie, but a movie-length TV special that originally aired in the late 1970's. Milton Berle introduces a series of very well-chosen excerpts from Abbott & Costello's TV series (not their movies). Additional commentaries by Joe Besser and Steve Allen are also included.
Many of the best burlesque comedy skits ever performed are featured in their entirety: "Slowly I Turn", "Herd of Cows", "Floogle Street", "Who's On First", and many others. The narration is by Milton Berle. This tape is a non-stop laugh riot all the way through! Abbott & Costello made many good movies through the 1940's and 1950's, but in my opinion even the best of them fall short of the laugh quotient of this superb compilation. With this tape, you don't have to sit through plot-advancing scenes or musical numbers while you wait for the funny parts. Pretty much the whole thing is the funny parts!