John Martyn Live at the BBC - S0.E2
This is a fantastic collection of Old Grey Whistle Test and Rock Goes To College appearances.
The Old Grey Whistle Test, Collegiate Theatre, UCL, January 10th 1978 - May You Never, Small Hours, Certain Surprise, Couldn't Love You More and Big Muff.
Rock Goes To College, Reading University, October 20th 1978 -
May You Never, One World, One Day Without You, The Dealer, Certain Surprise, Big Muff and Anna.
Rock Goes To College, Stirling University, March 2nd 1981
Big Muff, Some People Are Crazy, Grace and Danger, Save Some (For Me), Eibhli Ghail Chiuin Ni Chearbhail, Couldn't Love You More, Amsterdam and Johnny Too Bad.
Bonus Footage, ALL from The Old Grey Whistle Test;
March 13th 1973
May You Never and I'd Rather Be The Devil.
January 17th 1975
One Day Without You and You Can Discover.
March 1st 1977
Couldn't Love You More and One World.
October 15th 1982
Hiss On The Tape, Hung Up and Gun Money.