In the middle of a busy city, the Pichu Bros. are summoning their friends—Smoochum, Wooper, Magby, and Teddiursa—to play. Meowth is in town, too: it's taking a vacation from Team Rocket and dreaming of building a monument to itself. It sets out with a picnic basket to look for place to build its statue, but trips over Smoochum along the way. Smoochum has its own basket of accessories, and it accidentally walks away with Meowth's basket instead. When Meowth chases Smoochum to get its picnic basket back, Smoochum runs to the alley where all its friends are, and everyone plays keep away with the basket. Meowth finally grabs the basket, but then it steps on a sleeping Houndour and ends up running for its life. Its basket rolls into Teddiursa's path, and Teddiursa eats everything before Meowth can get the basket back.