Mr Carraway is delivering three boxes of plaice to the Chigley biscuit factory restaurant when PC McGarry turns up and tells them that the Chigley bridge is unsafe and closed to all traffic. This is bad news for Mr Cresswell as he has a delivery of biscuits to go out. Mr Carraway points out that the boys from Pippin Fort have a temporary bridge but it is kept at Treddles Wharf, which is on the other side of the river. A few phone calls later and Lord Belborough goes off in Bessie to collect it from the wharf and take it to the bridge. Unfortunately the soldier boys are still on the wrong side of the river, but with the help of Mr Dagenham and his helicopter they are picked up by rope, three at a time, and carried across the river to where they can assemble their temporary bridge. Mr Carraway has the dubious honour of being first to try out the bridge, and then they all go off to the six o'clock dance.