The day before the fortnightly test, the class is very dissatisfied that SING has extended the foot-drill training. That night, KEN takes everybody out for a chill-out. On the day of the test, everybody is very nervous. SING accompanies TING to the herbal doctor’s and takes her home. LAN asks her if she is going out with SING and she is pleased to hear that SING is only a friend of hers. All have passed the test. To their disappointment, MAN does not appreciate their result at all. Rather, he orders them to practice more. The youngsters can do nothing but suppress their rage. CHEONG is upset that ANN makes him lose face front of other officers. He reveals to SING that he and ANN were lovers ten years ago. PONG appears to be very nervous during the riflery and fighting courses. He is also found to be absent-minded the whole day. Some of his fellows think that he is possessed, but MAN does not believe so……