Way to Die #293: Freeze Died
A man working at a mafia-owned South Philadelphia meat packing company is deliberately locked in a walk-in freezer, and dies of hypothermia.
Way to Die #713: Dive Bombed
A group of friends fly themselves home from Cabo San Lucas in a private plane shortly after going scuba diving. Way to Die #91: De-Coffinated
A land dispute between two brothers in Haiti ends with one brother asking a witch doctor to poison the other with tetrodotoxin, causing paralysis. Way to Die #606: Wet Dream
A man who wants to live like a fish constructs a fish suit out of waterbed material and attempts to use it. Way to Die #112: Fur Burger
In the 2nd century, one method of execution was wrapping the victim in freshly killed animal skins, tying him to a tree, and leaving him to be eaten alive by whatever carnivores happened to be in the area (a flock of vultures in this case).
Escaped Death #2: Shayna Richardson
See the chart about Escaped Deaths.