Episode 31 - S1.E31 - Looking Back in Anger

Heavily engaged in her work. Lee Wah is worried that she hasn't get time for Kin and their relationship may cool down. She proposes to get marry thinking that marriage will solve the problem. Kin is grateful with the news and prepare for the wedding. Learning the news oi the marriage. Cho-Kwan is terribly hurt. yet she withholds her feeling and congratulate the pair. On marriage eye. Kin accidentally comes across a video in which Lee Wah confesses that there's a wide gap between she and Kin and that she hopes to return his favor by marrying him. Kin is very disappointed. Thinking that their marriage nay hinder Lee Wah's future. Kin hank out from the marriage at the last moment. He asks Cho-Kwan to deliver his message of cancelling the marriage. Lee Wah in shocked and leaves the church in tears. Lee Nah refuses to-listen to Kin’s apologies and doesn't allow him to enter her house……

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Episode 31 - S1.E31 - Looking Back in Anger


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