After suffering a serious attack of stress-induced pimples, Colonel Nozzaire decides to take his therapist's advice and keep Gadget as far away as possible with work missions. So, he sends Gadget to Hong Kong (the first place he thinks of) to buy office supplies for WOMP. Meanwhile, in Hong Kong, control of the Banan business empire has just passed to Amanda Banan as a graduation present from her father. Amanda's being targeted by Dr. Claw who wants control of the corporation and thinks she'll be easier to crack than her father. MAD agents are sent in to infilitrate the headquarters of Banan Communications and take over the top two floors, which is how Amanda finds herself on the roof tied to a satellite dish with the choice of signing control of the company over to MAD or being roasted by a high power transmission that's due at noon. Thanks to one of his usual mixups, Gadget is wandering through the building convinced it's a stationary supplies warehouse.