Gadget on the Brain - S2.E22
A microscopic implant has been detected in the brain of General Gastritas. It's suspected to be a MAD mind control device and since he's about to be made Supreme Commander of the Mega Powers militaries, WOMP can't afford to take chances. So a volunteer is needed to be miniaturized by an experimental process and injected into the General's Brain to remove the device. It's a one in a millon chance of surviving the mission so Colonel Nozzaire is happy to volunteer Gadget. Gadget, the Gadgetinis and the Gadgetmobile are shrunk and injected into the General's skull to face angry white blood cells who don't like intruders and miniaturized MAD agents ready to defend the mind controller. Just to complicate things further, the scientists made a miscalculation when they shrank them and they have only a few hours rather than days before they return to normal size.