After elimination, the girls celebrated the departure of Blonde Baller. The next day, the girls were invited by the boys to the Robert Hall winery at Paso Robles, CA. Real and Chance wanted take wine-tasting, but also announced that each of them will take two girls out on a date. Chance had a one-on-one with Flirty, who told him that all her troubles are all in the past and it will not affect their relationship. Real had a one-on-one with Pocahontas, wanting more time with her. On the way the hotel, Sassy was so drunk that the limo had to pull over for her to puke. After they arrive at the Madonna Inn and Sassy sobering up, it was announced that Flirty, Mamacita, Classy, and Pocashontas get to go on dates with Real and Chance. As soon as the girls sat down, Chance had to use the bathroom, having Flirty and Mamacita wait for him. Classy attempted to crack some jokes to Real, but it made Real uncomfortable. Pocahontas then gave him an embarrassing dance that made Real laugh. Once Chance came back, Flirty open up more about her life, which Chance found strange and perceived her as a liar. Real chose Pocahontas and Chance chose Mamacita for night caps. The next day, the girls got back to the house and that night was elimination. Chance spend some one-on-one with Hot Wings. After that, he went to the kitchen and found a cake made from Baker, which was supposed to be a surprise and made Baker upset after Chance autographed it with cream. Real also spend some one-on-one with Doll, but then Sassy surprised Real, draped in lingerie. Then she told him she's unsure if she's the right woman for him, which concerns him. During elimination, it was down to Classy and Sassy for Real and Baker and Flirty for Chance. Classy and Flirty were eliminated