The Last Monster Item (4) - S1.E44
As Mondo arrives outside Redda's castle, he gives him the Rockna Impostor and Kahimi reveals it to be a hay model with a rat in it. Redda reveals that Rockna is in the neck of the Dread Dragon which attacks. No monster attacks were affective and when an ""attack at the same time plan is made,"" Redda has Dread Dragon activate a black hole battle spell which sucks up every monster including Kahimi, Pegasus, and Punch-Punch. Only Mondo, Professor Hiragi, Beginner, Luke, and Lovestar remain and Redda makes back to his castle. Just when Mondo was about to lose faith, who to appear to help Mondo but Gabriolis the Dark Angel. He attacks the neck while Mondo rescues Rockna. They merge with Gabriolis and destroy Dread Dragon. Inside Prince Eccentro's castle, Prince Eccentro and Co. are confronted by Redda when they try to take the Monster Item in his castle. Redda denies his partnership and begins his plans to take over both worlds.