Big Kenny deals with shoulder and arm pain, the result of a recent auto accident involving a drunk driver. We meet Cowboy Troy, who's come from a Foot Locker salesman in Dallas to a member of the Mafia. John Rich says he's ""the only 6' 5"" black rapping cowboy in country music."" While Big & Rich are in New Orleans, Troy takes a phone call offering him a record deal. Champagne flows, and we learn that Troy is going to be a big part of the Big & Rich performance on the CMA awards -- his big coming out moment.
Gretchen Wilson wins the Horizon Award (given to the most promising new artist) and realizes that her dreams have finally come true -- a daughter, performing with Heart, her first headlining tour and recognition from an industry she fought long and hard to break into. She cries as the Mafia celebrates her big night.