No Time for Arguing! Head for the Showdown! - S3.E23 - Slayers

Filia tells the Elder, she is no longer a priestess for their temple and vows to never return to them, as she found out about the truth. Lina and the gang head to the center/the gate what is also called ""Ray of Light"" in hope to stop Xellos, Sirius, and Erulogs. They then run into Jillas, and Filia manages to save him from his own bomb, and he joines forces with them. They then move forward to the Ray of Light stop them.

We foind out Xellos true plan, he is there wanting to destroy the Dark Star. Will Erulogs and Sirius go with him? Will Lina and gang get their in time?

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No Time for Arguing! Head for the Showdown! - S3.E23 - Slayers

September 5, 1997


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