YIN suddenly shows up while the meeting is in progress. His appearance makes CHO even more nervous and awkward than ever. YIN gives CHO a good telling-off for his lack of preparation but CHO insists that it is a deliberate set-up by SONG. YIN is infuriated by CHO’s words. He faints away with outrage and is sent to the hospital at once. Despite CHO’s opposition, YIN has decided to appoint SONG as the CEO. CHO and PO are miraculously reconciled with each other in their fight against SONG and his oppression. SONG asks to see SUM in the middle of the night. Not wanting SUM to sacrifice sleep for work, MIU offers to attend the meeting on behalf of her brother. MIU cannot sleep at all at night. As she goes on pondering about what has happened lately, she gradually comes to realize that she has fallen in love with SONG. Sadly when she is confronted by SONG, she gets too shy to express her love for him……