Knowing that he has no more chance of taking over the running of the noodle restaurant, CHOI gets so depressed. SONG makes some nasty sarcastic comments about CHOI, which infuriate the lad so much that he gives SONG a punch in the face. SONG’s nose starts to bleed heavily within seconds. KAT offers to look after SONG following the fight, during which he asks SONG why he has to take all the blame and whether he is in love with MIU. Later in the night, SONG confides to a cactus his love for MIU. MIU overhears his confession of love and presses him for an explanation. MIU takes SONG’s advice and agrees to “try” dating him. MIU tries to persuade some of the property owners to sell their homes, in the course of which she discovers that SUM and KIU have secretly acquired a number of flats. TIN says he would like to introduce SONG to a man, who turns out to be TAK’s long-term rival LUNG……