2010/06/10 Headlines: UN Security Council Approves New Sanctions Against Iran; Turkey and Brazil Vote Against Iranian Sanctions; Iran Threatens to Reduce Ties to IAEA; 86 People Reported Sick in Louisiana and Alabama from Oil Spill; Activist Pours Fake Oil on Herself During Senate Hearing; 2000 Gov't Report Warned About Deepwater Oil Spills; BP Claims There Are No Underwater Oil Plumes; Obama Urges Israel to Loosen Blockade of Gaza; Israeli Document: Gaza Blockade a Form of "Economic Warfare"; Suicide Bomber Kills 40 in Kandahar; Obama's Intel Nominee Tied to False Iraq WMD Claim; GOP Senators Try to Strip <span class="caps">EPA of Power to Regulate Emissions; Senate Democrats Scale Back Tax Increase on Wall Street; Syed Hashmi Sentenced to 15 Years in Jail; 12,000 Nurses in Minnesota Go On Strike; Judges: NYPD Can Keep Secret 2004 <span class="caps">RNC Spy Records; LA to Pay $500,000 to Journalists Beaten at May 2007 Protest