2010/10/04 Headlines: Bank of America Suspends Foreclosures in 23 States; "One Nation Working Together" Rally Held in Washington; Hundreds of Thousands Protest in Paris over Austerity Cuts; Al-Sadr Throws Support Behind Iraqi PM Al-Maliki; Brazil's Presidential Race Headed for Runoff; US Infected Hundreds of Guatemalans with Syphilis in 1940s; 20 Oil Tankers Bound for Afghanistan Set on Fire; US Military Loans Drones to CIA for Attacks in Pakistan; Blackwater Wins Portion of $10B State Department Contract; PSYOPS Soldiers Embed in <span class="caps">CBS Affiliate TV Stations; Ecuadorian Police Colonels Face Probe after Uprising; Jewish Settlers Set Palestinian Mosque Ablaze; Israeli Soldiers Convicted of Using Gaza Child as Human Shield; UN Issues Report on War Crimes in the Congo; GOP Candidate Paladino Questioned over $3M Tax Breaks; Murdoch Donates $1M to Chamber of Commerce; CNN Fires Anchor Rick Sanchez