2011/11/07 Headlines: Greek Prime Minister Seals Deal to Step Down amid Formation of National Unity Government; Israel Warns Attack on Iran is Increasingly Likely; Israel Intercepts Gaza-Bound Aid Flotilla, Dozens Detained Including Democracy Now! Correspondent; National Unemployment Falls Slightly as Checks Run Out for Most Out-of-Work Americans; Wealth Gap Between Young and Old Rapidly Increasing; Occupy Wall Street Movement Enters Eighth Week with Continued Arrests Around the Country; Bank Transfer Day Rallies Held Across the Nation; Second Iraq War Veteran, Occupy Supporter Seriously Injured by Police in Oakland; U.S. DEA Deploying Commando Squads Throughout Central America, Caribbean; Scores of Pro-Democracy Activists Killed in Syria Despite Peace Plan; Militant Nigerian Islamist Group Blamed for Attacks that Leave 150 Dead; Colombian Military Kills Rebel FARC Commander Alfonso Cano; Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega Poised for Re-Election; Former Military General Accused of Torture, Genocide Wins Guatemala Presidential Election; Thailand: Worst Flooding in Half a Century, Over 500 Dead; U.S. Commander in Afghanistan Removed Following Disparaging Comments Toward President Karzai; 10,000 Protesters Surround White House Calling on Obama to Reject Keystone XL Tar Sands Oil Pipeline