2013/07/17 Headlines: "Justice for Trayvon" Rallies Continue Ahead of Weekend Action; Florida Activists Occupy Governor's Office, Seek Repeal of "Stand Your Ground"; Holder Rebukes "Stand Your Ground" in NAACP Address; Stevie Wonder Boycotts Florida, Other "Stand Your Ground" States; Juror: Trayvon Martin Killing was Justified; Snowden Applies for Temporary Asylum in Russia; White House to Russia: Snowden Not a Human Rights Activist or Dissident; FISA Court Orders Release of PRISM Order; 19 Groups Sue NSA over Mass Collection of Phone Data; Senate Votes on Obama Picks in Deal Preserving Filibuster; U.N.: Syria's Refugee Flight Worst Since Rwandan Genocide; Egypt Swears in New Cabinet; Muslim Brotherhood Rejects "Illegitimate" Gov't; Over 100 Arrested at North Carolina's 11th "Moral Monday"