2013/07/25 Headlines: Obama: Reversing Income Gap Admin's "Highest Priority"; Workers Stage #RaiseTheWage Protests Nationwide; New York City Fast Food Workers Authorize 3rd Strike; Poll: 80% of Americans Back Minimum Wage Hike; Senate OKs Student Loan Bill That Would Hike Rates After 2015; House Narrowly Defeats Measure to Curb NSA Spying; Snowden Remains at Moscow Airport Despite Temporary Asylum From Russia; Dozens Killed in Spanish Train Crash; Muslim Brotherhood Supporters Rally Ahead of Pro-Army Egyptian Protests; U.S. Delays Delivery of F-16s to Egypt; Senate Holds First Hearing on Guantánamo Closure Since 2009; Attorneys: Pentagon Violating Guantánamo Hunger Strikers' Religious Freedom; Judge Freezes Legal Challenges to Detroit Bankruptcy Claim; Pennsylvania County Defies State Law to OK Same-Sex Weddings; Virginia Governor Apologizes, Refuses to Resign for Accepting $140,000 From Donor; Weiner Rebuffs Calls to Drop Out of New York Race After More Messages Emerge; Weiner: Israel Not Occupying Palestinian West Bank; San Diego Mayor Refuses to Resign Following Claims of Sexual Harassment