Episode 22 - S1.E22
Kam’s Gold has finished producing a special collection of gold bowls for the imperial government. FOOK asks Uncle TAI-LIK to pack the bowls properly so that SHAU and the workers can take them back to the store the following day. FOOK goes for a pint with his friends and gets as drunk as a skunk. The next morning when he wakes up on the street corner, he is shocked to discover that all his keys have gone. YUEN points out that FOOK is suspected of fraud against the Emperor and needs to be locked up for further questioning and investigation. The KAMs go to see YUEN in an attempt to intercede for FOOK. Not long after, YEUNG arrives and forces YUEN to release FOOK by threatening to harm herself… The truth is finally out and the three brothers decide to have a drink inside the bedroom in celebration of their reconciliation. The pale-looking PING goes to see WAI in the company of TAK……