First up, is 26-year-old David whose rotting, bleeding, puss-filled armpit has left him unable to lift up his arm without tearing the skin. The problem is diagnosed as Hidradenitis Suppurativa, a condition in which the sweat glands are blocked up, infected and develop into boils. Dr Christian sends a swab sample for analysis to reveal the bacteria infecting David, in order to prescribe the appropriate antibiotics. In the meantime, David is told to take steroids to help contain the symptoms and has been referred to a surgeon to see what can be done about the damaged skin.
The EB Bus heads out to Cambridge, and first to see Dr Pixie is Lucy who has a problem growing hair, whilst Dr Christian sees a 3-year-old that has problems staying on her feet. Meanwhile, Dr Priya meets a footballer whose passing is not being helped by a curling toe.
Next up there is David who consults with Dr Christian about pains in his penis and lower back. Believing that the pain is stemming from his nerves, Dr Christian recommends acupuncture treatment.
Dr James meets 35-year-old rocker Neil whose teeth are hanging on by a thread as a result of advanced gum disease. Dr James saves many of Neil’s teeth by restoring them with porcelain crowns, but the teeth that couldn’t be saved have to be replaced with dentures.
The doctors hit the streets of Cambridge to conduct a breath test and teach the locals about better oral hygiene. Wendy has been suffering from bad breath and heads to see a specialist that finds the root of the problem – gum disease.
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Visiting the clinic next is Stacy, who has a problem with piles. Dr Priya examines Stacy and discovers that she’s also suffering from skin tags. As other treatments have thus far failed, Dr Priya suggests a visit to the surgeon to have both the skin tags and the piles removed. There is also a visit from Allison, a newlywed from Lancashire who is experiencing pain during sex. Dr Pixie’s examination doesn’t reveal anything sinister with Allison’s body and so she recommends psycho-sexual counselling to try and get to the root of Allison’s problem.
Next up we see 24-year-old Holly who has come to see Dr Pixie about her sweaty palms. As botox injections are ineffective for palmar hyperhidrosis, a procedure utilizing electric currents is suggested. Holly’s iontophorisis treatments show significant improvements and the good news is that she can get a machine at home to continue with these treatments on a permanent basis.
And finally, after conducting a sweat test after his own workout, Dr Christian meets up with the Cambridge University boat race team to calculate their sweat rates and help work out how much water they need to keep themselves healthy and hydrated. You can conduct your own sweat test at home by checking out our Sweat Body Check