Nowhere else on Earth is the difference between the tranquillity & beauty of the physical world and the brutality & disorder of the people who live in it brought into such sharp contrast as it is in the former Soviet satellites that span the gap between Europe & Asia.
Nagorno Karabagh. Ossetia. Abkhazia. Ingushetia. Chechnya. Dagestan. Who’d even heard of them before the 90s? Nowhere has the millennial thirst for independence combined with exploding nationalism to such deadly effect as it has in the new nations and ethnic enclaves of Caucasia.
And right in the middle of them all lies Georgia. This is where Prometheus was bound to his rock. Where Medea cast her spells. Where one of Noah’s sons set up house after the biblical flood. Where Jason went in search of the Golden Fleece.
David Adams follows in the footsteps of Jason and his Argonauts on a journey from the Black Sea to the Caspian in search of the truth behind the myth of the “Golden Fleece”.