An unknown person tries to kill Rusty by mixing poison in Rusty's food but K.D.Pathak saves Rusty on time later, Lawyer Jeet reveals Varun that he is not aware of Meera Bhagat as her name was mention in Col. Thakkar's will, on the other side, Doctor reveals Varun that even he is not aware of Meera Bhagat but he knows Nirupama Bhagat who was col. Thakkar's close friend later, he observes the same white Van and gets shock to see Parul driving the car. Varun meets Meera Bhagat who reveals him that her Mother Nirupama is dead later, she visits K.D.Pathak's office to solve the matter but gets bitten by Rusty. Shamu agrees in court that he gave training to Rusty to kill Col. Thakkar and thus court sends Shamu to imprisonment. Billimoria informs K.D. that authorities will give injection to Rusty due to which he will die. K.D.