Chaos in Libya; New Zealand Quake; Who is Gadhafi? - S1.E26
The first in a series on the crisis in Libya with reports from CNN's Ben Wedemen and Wolf Blitzer. Jamie Smith (SCG International Risk), Khalil Matar (author of Lockerbie and Libya: A Study in International Relations), Prince Said Idris Al-Senussi (a member of Libya's opposition in exile), Victoria Cummock and Paul Hudson (Organization Families of Pan Am 103), John Hanna (former national security adviser to Vice President Cheney), Hank Cohen (former assistant secretary of state for African affairs, former ambassador to Gambia and Senegal), Mohammed el-Erian (CEO Pacific Investment Management Company), Tom Kloza (oil analyst, Oil Price Information Service) and Rafat Ali (founder of also discuss the developments in Libya.
Also, Kim Savage, a reporter with Newstalk ZB, is interviewed via telephone from New Zealand where, on February 22, the city of Christchurch was hit with a 6.3 magnitude earthquake that has resulted in many fatalities.