LAN has been arrested. MONKEY gathers together his neighbors to demand the release of LAN and her students at the police station. FA turns up unexpectedly. Only LAN is set free in the end. SHUI and KIU’s wedding ceremony is held in a church, followed by a banquet at the TONG’s. TO and MUI leave the house in the middle of the banquet. HANG’s people discover them. TO goes straight to HANG’s office to search for his confidential documents as soon as he has got rid of HANG’s men. LAN has hired a well-known lawyer with the help of FA. YUEN-CHUEN has died of asthma in prison. LAN hopes his is the last person who dies for her. LAN calls on KONG, telling him she will leave Guangzhou as requested. SHUI hears that HANG is having a secret talk with TO in the cinema. TO puts HANG under duress and then tries to take MUI away. SHUI turns up in his way. SHUI and TO have a fight, during which the latter is shot dead.