

Full title:
Idol Fight - S3.E11 - Cardfight!! Vanguard
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First aired:
March 24, 2013

Idol Fight - S3.E11

March 24, 2013
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Rekka, the third member of Miyaji middle school's Cardfight Circle, enters the clubroom and is followed by Kourin. After Shingo informs Naoki on who Rekka is, she then challenges Aichi to a Vanguard fight. As the two battle, Rekka shows off her charm as an idol, which infatuates Shingo into becoming her fan. Rekka uses the various effects of her Celestial-themed Angel Feather deck to move cards in and out of her damage zone to her advantage. She gets a copy of Solidify Celestial, Zerachiel into her damage zone which, via the Limit Break of her vanguard Zerachiel, empowers all of her Celestial Angel Feather units. However, Aichi withstands Rekka's assault and uses his Gancelot/Alfred Limit Break Ride combo while also superior calling Blaster Blade Liberator from the soul to finish the game and defeat her. Afterwards, the two clubs give their thanks to each other before Shingo offers to become a member of Rekka's fan club.

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