After an afternoon game of tag with Mamoru who then gives chase after a flock of nightingales flying north, Yuu assuming an iconoclastic perspective for viewing the sunset before deciding to engage in some role-playing with Toshio sets the stage for the two kids to encounter Peter Lyne who leads the two kids through a tour of the Galaxy Circus. Caught up in the moment, Yuu decides for a henshin to Creamy Mami as the assistant to the circus exhibition she finds herself in while Toshio gets a big clue of a deviant diagnostic when Peter signals an interest in taking Yuu with him when the Circus leaves -- by any means necessary fair or foul. The ultimate silver lining of Yuu being hypnotized into performing on the trapeze is that Yuu realizes that she would much rather have Toshio teasing her than Peter coaxing her through difficult and dangerous circus tricks; after he explains Yuu his prologue, Peter departs with the Circus and the admonition that their next engagement will be in 1991.