LEI has left a message in her digital recorder that she is not coming back. She also complains that nobody in the family ever cares about her. LEI tells MING, who works as a part-time insurance agent, that NGA has once upset CHUNG. In order to patch up NGA and CHU, she asked the owner of a beauty parlor to buy her a CD of the renowned pianist LAW YAU-YAU from the US. What is more, she bought a package that was worth ten thousand dollars to thank the owner. But to her huge disappointment, CHU did not appreciate her effort. TUNG suggests going to a food stall for dinner. LEI goes home to get changed. She slips at home. She calls HON for help. Mistakenly believes that she is calling to inform them she is not coming, CHUNG does not let HON pick up her call. The family looks everywhere for LEI. MING shows up suddenly, accusing them of neglecting LEI.