BRIAN proposes to YEE. She needs to think over it before she can make up her mind. YEE has lost her car park ticket. TUNG has picked it. The glass of YEE’s car has been broken. BRIAN’s ring which she has put in the car has been stolen too. TUNG follows the thief to the suburb. The thief throws the ring into the sea as soon as he gets out of his car. TUNG jumps into the sea without even the slightest hesitation. KWAI tells MING BRIAN has proposed to YEE. Honestly speaking, KWAI finds BRIAN a very good man. TUNG runs into BRIAN at a hotel as the latter is telling the person at the other end of the phone that he would like to cancel his holiday. TUNG reprimands BRIAN, only to be given a punch on the face. BRIAN, in return, accuses TUNG of being the other man. TUNG looks for YEE at Joyful Kitchen. Out of his expectation, JESSIE is also there.