YIN sincerely thinks that BUT has no respect for her. Using fruits as a metaphor, he tries to explain to her that it is no use forcing LONG. He hopes she will give him one more chance. SHAN’s fellow dancers find a handkerchief that belongs to YAN in her clothes. They jeer at her, jumping to the conclusion that she and SHAN are lovers. SHAN collects medicinal herbs with BUT again. They are surprised to see DOU and YUET together. SHAN discovers by chance that DOU is very good at swordsmanship. Impressed, she requests him to teach her the skills. YIN gives YAN a wooden sculpture, mistakenly believes that he is going out with SHAN. He clarifies the mistake immediately. YING GOONG GOONG tells the conservatory directors to each submit a new song so that he can decide which one to use at the command performance. BUT and YAN decide to submit the “Peach Blossom Fairy”, insisting that YAN will be the music instructor.… ...