To Say That the Pursuit of Happiness from a Process is the Origin of Crime / A Notice from Ministry of Prediction / Names Ripped in Pieces - S0.E4
Nozomu is paying a visit to Chiri's house after going through various scenes, but his home visit abruptly ends when he reaches Chiri's house. Chiri argues that Nozomu's visit was pointless, but Nozomu points out that most Japanese people take the process more seriously rather than its result. As a typical shōnen manga puts emphasis on the character's development throughout the story, Nozomu asks his students to appeal the audience by showing off development of their immaturity. In the second part of the episode, a warning of earthquake disaster is published by the Ministry of Prediction, which makes every characters except Chiri very lazy as they believe they are not going to make appearance in the magazine. Meanwhile Nozomu points that many Japanese put efforts into various activities despite being aware there won't be any reward for their action. A number of Nozomu's students ends up doing improper conducts as they don't expect themselves to appear in front of the audience. In the third part of the episode, the students are worrying about the dropping interest of book-reading among students. Nozomu thinks that many books should change their titles so that they accurately reflect the content of the book as many books betray the readers' trusts by having inaccurate title. Thus, Nozomu asks Kino and Kudo to give more appropriate names for various books by holding a book-titling competition.