WAI starts to investigate HAO's case. BO claims that he only saw HAO. However, KEE claims that she saw two more persons who pushed HAO down from the building. WAI is puzzled. Later, the police finds out that KEE was serving hemp at that time. Thus, the police cancel her statement. WAI quarrels with NGAU and BOK when the case is processing. HAO's corpse has suddenly come up some change. Her body shows some contusive bruise marks. The examiner could not explain. WAI also could not continue the investigation. TIN moves to YAU's upper floor. WAI does not know the case. She is shocked to see him. TIN sees HAO's photo and feels very surprised. He starts to investigate. KEE leaves the hospital. KIN invites her home for dinner. She quarrels with BO and JING and leaves home angrily. During HAO's funeral, TIN has taken some pictures which showed CHEUNG and YING's spirits next to BOK……