Episode 39 - S1.E39
FONG has finally won the case. This is the first time that MAN has lost a case in court, but he is happy that he is defeated by his own son. He points out that both SUN and himself have learnt a great deal from this legal action. MAN apologizes to LAN for making her suffer over the years, and later to YAU for killing her father indirectly. While FONG is packing her clothes inside her room, MAN comes in and apologizes for neglecting her for such a long time. FONG has a nice chat with MAN and the pair bid farewell to each other. MAN and LAN get to watch the sunset together. Not long after, LAN passes away with a contented smile. Devastated by LAN’s death, SUN is so unhappy that he even throws a tantrum at YAU. YAU does not blame SUN and gives him her full support instead. YAU tells YU about LAN’s death and her decision to leave the CHUNGs. SHUI falls to his knees and begs for YAU’s forgiveness……