YUET-SHAN refers to SIN-CHI for information of the relationship between YAT-SHAN and CHI-LIK, but SIN-CHI sees through him, knowing that he just tries to play up to CHI-LIK. YUET-SHAN then changes his subject, claiming that he can help SIN-CHI get his phone back. He carefully disguises himself into a wealthy younger generation, which has an effect on SZE-KA's vanity, so he finally manages to take back the phone for SIN-CHI. Upon their return from their honeymoon, CHUN-PING and YAT-FEI report to CHI-LIK that KY starts plotting something in secret again ever since he failed to seize power in the last shareholder's meeting. In order to mend fences with KY, CHI-LIK invites him to play tennis together, yet the two start yelling at each other at the tennis court, and the peace talks between them are also blown away.… ...