MOYUNG WAI's operation is successful. TZE-YU waits for YAT-KIN outside the operation room and she invites him to have dinner with SIU-ANG at home as a celebration. The guys at Rm Gen-Y ask BING-CHAN to buy caviar for celebration with YAT-KIN. All of them are not pleased that AMBER is moving in and they feel angry for MEI-SUET. HEI-YAN posted the photo of MAN-SAN and CHIN-YEE's performance on the notice board of the patient's resource centre. MAN-SAN finds it embarrassing. AMBER suffers from meningitis as a result of joint infection. She is very scared and she reveals to BING-CHAN that she is willing to visit a psychiatrist. MEI-SUET is recommended to be in charge of AMBER's operation and BING-CHAN requests to perform AMBER's orthopedic operation. SIU WING worries that MEI-SUET cannot handle it. AMBER wakes up and BING-CHAN reveals that MEI-SUET has performed the operation successfully……