Our Toil Shall Strive To Mend - S1.E3 - Star-Crossed

It’s the tenth anniversary of “Arrival Day” and the town is preparing a commemoration for the fallen soldiers. Gloria selects a small group of human teenagers who will spend some time inside the sector to see what it’s like to be an Atrian for a day. In addition, Gloria assigns Emery the task of filming the interactions. While Grayson offers to help her with the project, Roman strongly objects to Emery going inside the sector. Despite Roman’s concern for her safety, Emery decides to move forward with the project. While Sophia is excited to show everyone around her pod, Teri and Drake resent the intrusion and decide to have a little fun at the humans’ expense. However, when Drake is kidnapped during the tour, he’s surprised by who is behind the abduction. Meanwhile, Julia confronts Roman with her suspicions about cyper.

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Our Toil Shall Strive To Mend - S1.E3 - Star-Crossed

March 3, 2014


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