

Full title:
The Magnificent Five - S1.E5 - Wakfu
Episode number:
First aired:
January 28, 2009

The Magnificent Five - S1.E5

January 28, 2009
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70 Good


The group comes across a village of Puddles, cephalopod-like gelatinous creatures that turn into puddles. They are constantly attacked by a pack of Taures Bullies, wild bovine beasts that constantly raid their village for food. The group manages to fight them off, but know they will return as they always have. Not wanting to turn a blind eye to turmoil, and needing food themselves, the group decide to help train the Puddles so they can be ready for the next raid. The Bullies attack again, but the group, along with the Puddles, quickly overpower them. However, the Bullies brought one of their leaders, their father, Mandhal the Mighty. He proves to be a tough foe, even having his own beam attack, but Yugo uses his portal to deflect Father's beam attack back at him. With Father defeated, and worried about Mother finding out, the Bullies flee, leaving the Puddles to live in peace.

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