Episode 4 - S2.E4 - Dark Tales

Episode 4 KIOD entangles Kill. Kill is confused. DAN argues with KIOU. CHIU brings KIOD to KIU's father but he knows nothing. DAN gets wind of the filthy relationship between the provincial judge and MA. He blackmails them with the provincial judge's belt. KIOD is happy to met Kill again but Kill in fact is not MONG. KIOD accuses DAN of kidnapping MONG. DAN is also accused of killing Kill. As the provincial judge is afraid of DAN, he helps DAN. KIOD accuses DAN in front of the Minister. CHIU suggests that a constable should be sent to MONG's birth place. KIOD is in deep grief as he is informed of MONG's death.

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Episode 4 - S2.E4 - Dark Tales

March 12, 1998


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