Episode 34 - S2.E34 - Dark Tales

HEUNG and HIU run away. HEUNG uses magic to make HIU faint so that she can have a duel with YUNG. HIU decides to quit her engagement and marry HEUNG. As HEUNG gets hurt, she changes back into a fox. HIU is shocked and loses his consciousness. LONG haunts TUNG so that he can kill HIU. HEUNG saves HIU. YUNG also arrives and argues with HEUNG. HIU is annoyed and decides to go away with TUNG. HIU meets SAU in a temple. SAU is jealous as she sees HIU keeping HEUNG's bag. When HIU, SAU and TUNG are walking on a bridge, it collapses. Luckily HEUNG uses a boulder to fill up the gap so that they can walk over it. HIU thanks HEIUNG but HEUNG only asks him to return the bag to her. SAU is angry.

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Episode 34 - S2.E34 - Dark Tales

April 23, 1998


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