Episode 23 - S1.E23
March 19, 2017
video reviews
1 Intro
2 From 2004 to 2017 What has changed in Lebanon ?!
3 BBCHI's Zajal
4 Lebanon and the guinness world record list
5 Demostration led by ziad itani
6 sami gemayel and saad al hariri
7 sheikh sami gemayel's second step
8 A letter from salam to sami gemayel
9 fouad rejected Increasing Alcohol Taxes
10 Fouad expels veiled woman from BBCHI studio!
11 saad al hariri actions from 14 march 2015 till now
12 Is secular atheism?
13 what the meaning of Senate?
14 walid beik's opinion about the senate
15 walid beik's opinion about the senate
16 Wiam Wahhab Defends Walid Jumblatt
17 Options to the electoral law in Lebanon
18 Magic in BBCHI Studio!
19 New suicide method invented by Junaid