Episode 3 - S1.E3
Kataan, devoted to Temujin in their childhood, nurses Temujin with great care. Temujin is greatly touched.
Longing to rejoin hi s family, Temujin departs with Kataan. On his way, he gets acquainted with Jamuka, who helps him fight off his enemies. The two quickly become great friends and solemnly declare ‘anda ' (friends). Jamuka’s two brothers, Yita and Saita view it with bitter jealousy.
Jamuka escorts Temujin home, and joins the celebration of the family reunion.
Hoelun reminds Temujin of his betrothal with Berta. Reflecting on his own belittled state, TemuJin sets off with Kasai for his marriage quest with little confidence of success.
To his surprise, Dai Sechen gladly offers his daughter to him with rich dowry. Dai Sechen also encourages Temujin to summon his clansmen back to rebuild his clan.
Berta is a beautiful woman as well as a competent housewife. She is a delight and comfort to the whole family of Temujin.