Too Fast - S1.E1
Wally and Rosa are playing table tennis. Wally is completely out of breath to hit serves. While Rosa is calmly standing in one place, wielding a racket. Having missed his next serve he couldn't even stand on his feet, falling down on the table tiredly, but he demanded a rematch. The Kikoriki standing in wait for their turn asked him to concede to them, and himself to go rest. Wally was walking down the path and could not understand why he lost. After all, he has technique, he is tactically savvy. And then Wally realized that he lacked speed. He hit the stump with his racket in anger and nailed the beetle. A bee in a turban crawled out from under the insect. She said she was a fairy, and Kikoriki saved her by killing the evil wizard. And now she wants to thank Wally by fulfilling his every wish.