Episode 13 - S1.E13
Reporters enquire the love story, FREEMAN denotes that he only treats MIKI as his sister and assistant; MIKI’s heart is broken. AKUBI, who is jealous of MIKI, asks MIKI to perform a screen test for her, which scares MIKI who is afraid of height. RAY has no mood because of the love affair between FREEMAN and MIKI. LOI teaches RAY to look at and analyze things at different angles by using the scenic view from the mountain. When his family enquires about the love affairs, FREEMAN denies; RAY is relieved. MIKI is sick; RAY cooks medicine and copies for her, leaving a very good impression on MADAM MO. FREEMAN does not understand why his assistant is changed and why MIKI gives him cold shoulder. JULIE tells RAY and MIKI to make cakes together so as to give RAY chance to show his love....