YEUNG KWONG wants to know how YAU TAT has met FAI-TING and YAU TAT recalls his past stories. YEE-LIM asks YAU TAT, YEUNG KWONG and FAI-TING to visit a fruit farm in Taiwan with LING HEI. Surprisingly, WAI-WAN has bought an air ticket for SAM-LAM as well so that she could have chance to develop a relationship with YAU TAT. FAI-TING mentions to YEUNG KWONG again that they have agreed to meet annually in Taiwan and he invites YEUNG KWONG to the meeting place again. YEUNG KWONG brings YAU TAT and SAM-LAM to Zhuifen Station. She introduces the meanings of Zhuifen Station and Chenggong Station to them. LING HEI and YEE-LIM are not able to date with each other because of company policies. They date with each other secretly in Taiwan but FAI-TING discovers them accidentally. On the payday of the fruit farm, LING HEI and the others monitor the whole process on-site.… ...