After MAK SEI returns from the police station, TAK-KEI taunts him on purpose; whereas SAU-NA thinks there is something fishy about the case. AH-CHOI goes missing, luckily OI-KIU later finds her at the pier, yet she keeps blaming herself. MAK SEI disguises as a senior and returns to the village to try out the big bowl feast again, only to find out that there is one ingredient missing, which is a kind of mushroom that he had the other day. While OI-KIU claims that she did not find anything particularly suspicious after looking through all the photos they took at the feast, KA-KA suddenly recalls that there should also be lots of videos taken by the people who attended the feast. As such, the two start looking for those who took the videos. MAK SEI gets suspicious of YAT-MING, so TAK-KEI and the others decide to follow him.… ...