On Mother's Day, Megumi and Yuko suggest to Hime that they travel to the Blue Sky Kingdom so she can deliver specially made cakes to her mother, who became trapped in a mirror when the Phantom Empire invaded. Blue allows the girls to go, but warns them to avoid battles as much as possible, as their Pretty Cure powers will be weakened due to the Phantom Empire's influence. Arriving in the Blue Sky Kingdom, the girls use their Ninja outfits to avoid detection by the Choiarks as they make their way towards the palace, where they have to get past several Knight Saiarks. After using a hidden passageway, the group arrive at the throne room where Hime's imprisoned parents are. After delivering Hime's cakes to her mother, the girls transform to escape, but are soon discovered by Hosshiiwa, Namakeruda, and Oresky, who send a trio of Saiarks after them.