Episode 1 - S1.E1 - The Tribulation of Life

AU YEUNG WEI HAN is abandoned by her boy friend and tries to commit

suicide. However, she is saved by CHUN TAK who is taken ill after

rescuing her from the fury sea. . HAN looks after him with great

care and visits him often. The two gradually grow fond of each

other and HAN proposes marrying him who gladly consents. -

LEUNG MIU LING finds herself carrying the baby of LAM HUNG who

refuses to marry her and even forces her to go for an abortion.

LING's mother stops her from doing so and makes HUNG promises

to marry LING.

HUNG, GHENG YEE and two other gays plot to kidnap the son of a

tycoon, TONG TUNG SHING. It just happens that the boy has got

hold of his mother's diamond necklace. HUNG, being greedy,

take. it and hides it inside a Buddha figure. LING is sent by

HUNG to get the ransom and yet she is still in the dark about

everything. However, LING is arrested by TAK.

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Episode 1 - S1.E1 - The Tribulation of Life

October 31, 1988


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