Episode 1 - S1.E1
The auditorium is full. HIM is performing feelingly on stageā¦. Everything started in the Christmas of 1996. LAI and her sister CHING brought their grandma CHEONG to a buffet. Their elder sister CHOI was greedy and joined them. FAI and his wife KWAN were admired to be a good match. It was Christmas and everywhere was busy, but FAI had lot of concerns. There was a small stage at the corner of a mall, and three schizophrenics HIM, CHUNG and HO were waiting for their performance. A mental patient YING was running after being discovered of shoplifting in a CD shop. She knocked on the stage, which was destroyed. CHOI felt that CHEONG was a burden and did not care of her. LAI was always late for work because she had to look after CHEONG. FAI employed detective to find his missing brother HIM.