Episode 5 - S1.E5
Just when JIANG was about to die in the ice cabin, 'OX' and
'GOAT' of the 'Gang of the Twelve Stars' broke in and rescued
him. Knowing JIANG had seen the treasure map, they forced
him to lead the way to the treasure.
They finally made it to the cave where the treasure was
purportedly hidden and was astonished to find that a great
number of treasure hunters were already there but there was
absolutely no treasure at all. HWAH suddenly appeared and
told everyone that they were all being fooled as the treasure
infect did not exist.
Amongst the treasure hunters was TIER whom HWAH fell in love
with at first sight. But TIER was already in love with
JIANG and so she avoided HWAH, upsetting him tremendously.
HWAH found out that JIANG was the person whom he was
instructed to kill. A fight broke out between the two.
JIANG was no match to HWAH and was forced down a steep cliff.